It’s a wild time, and the last thing you need is health information or perspective from an inbound marketing firm when it comes to COVID-19, so we’ll skip that and send you straight to the CDC for any vital information. There are plenty of smart, responsible medical professionals who can help you through this.
But we do want to address how we’re handling things for our clients at NgageContent.
Our team went fully remote on Monday, March 16. This was a smooth transition for us, as we always operate 60 percent remote (I did a fun little thread on some lessons we’ve learned working remote).
We’re extremely fortunate that we’ve operated this way, as we were able to make the decision to go fully remote and act on it immediately. This had minimal impact on our productivity, as all of our employees are supplied with a full work-from-home kit from day one that includes the same setup they have in our office building.
At this time, we’ve also asked our team to cancel all in-person meetings to follow Ohio’s “Stay at Home” order. This means that the earliest we will return to the office, travel, or attend/take in-person meetings will be April 6.
So, we’re fully operational with no drop-off in our ability to work with you — assuming you can deal with hearing our kids, dogs, and cats in the background of conference calls we usually schedule for office days.
That said, we understand if you are not. We’re doing our best to be flexible as we navigate screen shares and longer conference calls in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. We understand if your normal environment is not remote, and we’re adjusting to help however we can. We can’t help with much beyond your marketing efforts, but we can at least make that part of your world easy during this time.
We’re missing the time together in the office, and we miss seeing our clients, but we’ve done our best to keep our culture alive while we’re fully remote. Last Friday, we did a remote team lunch (see a few of the lunches and some of our smiling faces here). We’re contemplating how we can do some other remote events with clients and partners if this situation extends on.
I have lots of thoughts on how to keep your marketing efforts moving during this very odd time (hint: don’t try to “newshack” this very serious COVID-19 pandemic), but I’ll save them for another post. For now, do what you can to stay healthy and be kind to each other. And contact us today if you’re in need of some marketing assistance.