
  • Sell Hack eBook
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SellHack came to the NgageContent team in the fall of 2015 looking for help building a cold email playbook. The company’s real-time sales intelligence tool was growing quickly, and the SellHack team had done a tremendous job building a warm email prospect list through a consistent blog, social media and, not surprisingly, use of its own tool. 

But while the company was growing, their leadership team knew that establishing their company as the thought leaders on building and managing a sales pipeline via email. They were new to the market, so this kind of credibility was a requirement for their next steps in growth.


Working with SellHack on a highly collaborative creative process, our team took on the writing, editing and graphic design of the ‘Beat the Inbox’ eBook. It was created to be the definitive guide on how sales teams can generate more leads and close more business through strategic email efforts. Totaling 10 chapters, each with action steps and a blueprint on how to take these steps today, the eBook could act as a standalone training guide for young salespeople. 


The resulting eBook is a centerpiece of SellHack’s inbound marketing efforts. Well-branded with their logo throughout (as well as subtle mentions of the power of their prospecting tool), the eBook is on the desktops — both literally and on their computers — of sales leaders at organizations across the country. Using the eBook and their own thoughtful approach to content marketing, SellHack has become a prospecting tool for companies like Oracle, HubSpot, Salesforce and more. 

You can visit SellHack’s site and install the extension at You can find and download the eBook here 


Cleveland, OH


Business Services